11 September 2022: Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost

I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
— Luke 15: 10

COLLECT: Undaunted you seek the lost, O God, exultant you bring home the found: touch our hearts with grateful wonder at the tenderness of your forbearing love; grant us delight in the mercy that has found us; and bring all to rejoice at the feast of forgiven sinners. We ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever.  Amen.


Let us pray.

Merciful Father and Lord of all life, we praise you that we are made in your image and reflect your truth and light. We thank you for the life of our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, for the love she received from you and showed among us. Above all, we rejoice at your gracious promise to all your servants, living and departed, that we shall rise again at the coming of Christ. And we ask that in due time we may share with your servant Elizabeth that clearer vision promised to us in the same Christ our Lord; who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end.

All      Amen.



 PARISH PRAYER: Loving Father, whose Son Jesus Christ called your servant Peter The Fisherman to gather and nurture your flock: give us the will to draw others into the grace and joy of your kingdom, where your people are fed and their wounds are healed, as we endeavour to proclaim your love in word and deed to the glory of your name.  Amen.


In light of what is occurring in our country, states and community at this time, it would be good to revisit the following prayer.

Please continue to pray for our community, our state; for the other states, our nation, and other countries affected by  COVID-19.   The prolonged isolation and confinement of this outbreak will be a difficult experience.   Please also pray for those in hospital and for all medical staff and for those on the ‘front line’ at this time.

Lord Jesus Christ, healer and friend, come and care for all of us through the danger and uncertainty of the coronavirus epidemic. To people who are sick, bring healing. To people who are displaced, isolated, or cut off from family, friends or work, bring comfort and companionship. Work with medical staff as they care for the sick, and protect them from harm. Give skill and fruitful research to scientists as they search for treatments, prevention and a cure. To public health authorities, give wisdom to decide the best ways to manage both this crisis and our anxieties. When communities are fearful, give a calm spirit, and kindness to neighbours and strangers. Through this testing time, and through all the risks we face together, teach us once again how we can love one another as you have loved us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  Amen

Archbishop Justin Welby: Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell: Archbishop of York.

Today’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 14

  • Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 4: 11-12, 22-28

  • Psalm: 14 ( A.P.B.A. page 233)

  • New Testament Reading: 1 Timothy 1: 1-2, 12-19

  • Gospel: Luke 15: 1-10

Prayers For The World And The Church

For The World:  We pray for a right spirit of peace and cooperation to overcome the spirit of hatred, bitterness, and division in all countries. We pray for relief of suffering of innocent victims in countries troubled by conflict and unrest. For those who are innocent victims of others hunger for power and greed. We continue to pray for those nations adversely affected by torrential floods at this time: for Pakistan and India.  For the civil unrest in Ethiopia.    (We continue to pray for the unrest between Ukraine and Russia.)

Our Country:  We continue to give thanks for the rains falling in the inland parts of our state and nation.  For the replenishment of farming dams and community drinking dams.  For the new season of crops to be planted or harvested at this time. For the joy and jubilation that the rains bring to the people in those parts of our state and nation. (We continue to pray for all across our nation affected by the latest COVID


World Wide Anglican Community: The Church of Bangladesh: Archbishop, bishops, clergy and people. 

The Anglican Church of Australia: The Diocese of Gippsland: Richard Treloar- Bishop, clergy and people.

Our Diocese: The Parish of Gympie: Shaji Joseph - parish priest, assistant clergy, and people. 

Diocesan Schools: St Hilda’s School, Southport.  Principal, administration team, chaplain, School Council, teachers, students and all families. 

Defence Force Anglicans: We pray for all personnel and families serving in the Army.  We pry that God will strengthen and protect all who serve in the Australian Army, and grant them peace and purpose.  That they may work together in a spirit of loyalty, courage, and friendship.

 Our Parish:   That we may accept the challenge given to us by Christ and reconnect with those who previously worshipped in this parish but have become lost and wandered away.  That in reconnecting with them that we may bring them home to where they are loved and valued by God. 

Our Community: We pray for the lost within our communities in whatever way or matter that may be.  For those who are lost spirituality, for those who are lost or disengaged from their families and loved ones, for those who intentionally want to be lost, for those who are lost in and through mind and


 Other Denominations Within Our Community: Redcliffe City Christian Church and Redcliffe City Salvation Army Corps: for the pastors and congregations of those denominations. 

Those Seeking Healing: Sherryl, Ken, Stuart, Clare, Anita, Noah, Margaret

Those Mourning: For those who mourn the death of a loved one at this time.


Years Minds:  Errol Nonmus (11/20)     Alan Shaw (11/20) 

                         Malcolm Peacock 13/93)  Una Allport (13/19)


PRAYERS Offered at the passing of Queen Elizabeth II

Eternal God, our heavenly Father, we bless your holy name for all that you have given us in and through the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth. We give you thanks: for her love of family and her gift of friendship; for her devotion to this nation and the nations of the Commonwealth; for her grace, dignity and courtesy; and for her generosity and love of life.

We praise you for the courage that she showed in testing times; the depth and of her Christian faith; and the witness she bore to it in word and deed.

We pray for our Sovereign Lord the King and all the Royal Family, that you might reassure them of your continuing love and lift them from the depths of grief into the peace and light of your presence.

Gracious God, we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth, for her faith and her dedication to duty. Bless our nation as we mourn her death and may her example continue to inspire us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

 God of love, We thank you for the life of The Queen, for her service to our nation, and for her faith in you. Be close to all of us who mourn, that we may we find comfort and hope in your love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

 Everlasting God, we pray for our new King. Bless his reign and the life of our nation. Help us to work together so that truth and justice, harmony and fairness flourish among us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Next Week’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 15

  • Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 8:18 - 9:1

  • Psalm: 79: 1-9 (A.P.B.A. 306 page )

  • New Testament Reading: 1 Timothy 1: 3:14-4:6

  • Gospel: Luke 16: 1-13