18th Sunday After Pentecost (Ord Sun 26)

Come, let us return to the Lord, that we may live before him.
— Hosea 6: 1a,2b

COLLECT:  Grant, O merciful God, that your people may have that mind that was in Christ Jesus, who emptied himself, and took the form of a servant, and in humility became obedient even to death.  For you have highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ, the Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in everlasting glory.  Amen. 


 A Prayer In Seeking an Archbishop for this Diocese:

It has been announced by Bishop Cameron Venable, Bishop Administrator of the Diocese of Brisbane, that Bishop Jeremy Greaves has been elected as the next Archbishop of Brisbane.  He will commence his role as Archbishop in December 2023.


Loving God, bless Jeremy, now called to be Archbishop of   Brisbane; fill him with your truth, and clothe him with holiness, that he may preach your word, and care for your people;  give him compassion and wisdom, sustain him with your Spirit and inspire him with vision.  We also pray for Jeremey’s family: his wife Josie, and his children: Kate, Hannah, and Thomas.  We ask in the name of the one who calls, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

A Prayer for Ukraine: God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  Amen

Archbishop Justin Welby: Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell: Archbishop of York.

Today’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 18 (Ord Sun 26)

  • Old Testament Reading: Exodus 17: 1-7

  • Psalm: 78: 1-4, 11-16 (page 301 A.P.B.A.)

    New Testament Reading: Philippians: chapter 2

  • Gospel: Matthew 21: 23-32


For The World:  We pray for mercy on our broken and divided world.  Shed abroad your peace into the hearts of all and banish the spirit that makes for war.  May all races and peoples learn to live as members of one family.  (We continue to pray for the unrest between Ukraine and Russia)

Our Country: We pray and give thanks for those who protect our country and our borders.  For the Tri Defence Forces, border security officers, customs officers, and homeland security.  pray for The Federal Police.  As we commemorated National Police Remembrance Day on Friday, we  pray for The Federal Police and for all State Police Forces around our nation.   

World Wide Anglican Community: The Diocese of Akobo—Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. We pray for Bishop Abot, the Sudanese clergy and congregations within our diocese.

The Anglican Church of Australia: The Diocese of Riverina: Donald Kirk - Bishop, clergy, and people.

Our Diocese: We pray for all emergency services chaplains in their various roles:  police chaplains, fire services chaplains, ambulance service chaplains, hospital chaplains.

Our Diocesan Schools: For all Diocesan Schools as they return for the last term of the school year. For all administration staff, chaplains, teachers and students as they return renewed, refreshed, and prepared for the last term .  

Defence Force Anglicans:  We pray for The Bishops of the Anglican Communion with Defence portfolios, and their chaplains.  We give thanks for the work of Chaplaincy around the world; for the strengthening of bonds of appreciation and practical support between the leaders of chaplaincies.

Our Community:  We pray for those employed within the emergency services in our community who keep us safe and protect us: the police department, fire services and ambulance services. 

Other Denominations Within Our Community: The Peace Christian Community Church and The Redcliffe Catholic Church: for the clergy, pastors and congregations of those denominations.  

Our Parish: We pray for the members of your Church gathered here this day.  Bless them in their vocations and ministries; that they truly serve you, devoutly love you, and faithfully follow in the way of your Son.     

 Those Seeking Healing: Anita, Iris, Kevin, Shelia D, Narelle

Those Mourning: For those who mourn the death of loved ones at this time.


Years Minds:


Next Week’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 19 (Ord Sun 27)

  • Old Testament Reading: Exodus 20: 1-4, 7-9, 12-20

  • Psalm: 19 (page 239 A.P.B.A.)

  • 2nd New Testament Reading: Philippians: chapter 3

  • Gospel: Matthew 21: 33-46