Pentecost 25 (Ord Sun 33)

God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore encourage one another and build up each other.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:9,11

COLLECT: Everliving God, before the earth was formed, and even after it shall cease to be, you are God.  Break into our short span of   life and show us those things that are eternal, that we may serve your purpose in all we do; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.


 A Prayer In Seeking an Archbishop for this Diocese:

It has been announced by Bishop Cameron Venable, Bishop Administrator of the Diocese of Brisbane, that Bishop Jeremy Greaves has been elected as the next Archbishop of Brisbane.  He will commence his role as Archbishop in December 2023.


Loving God, bless Jeremy, now called to be Archbishop of   Brisbane; fill him with your truth, and clothe him with holiness, that he may preach your word, and care for your people; give him compassion and wisdom, sustain him with your Spirit and inspire him with vision.  We also pray for Jeremey’s family: his wife Josie, and his children: Kate, Hannah, and Thomas.  We ask in the name of the one who calls, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

A Prayer for Ukraine: God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  Amen

Archbishop Justin Welby: Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell: Archbishop of York.

Today’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 25 (Ord Sun 33)

  • Old Testament Reading : Judges 4: 1-10

  • Psalm: 123 (page 361 A.B.P.A.)

  • New Testament Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11

  • Gospel: Matthew 25: 14-30


For The World:  We pray for mercy on our broken and divided world. Shed abroad your peace in the hearts of all and banish from them the spirit that makes for war, that all races and peoples may learn to live as members of one family and in obedience to your law.  We pray for the conflict between Israel and Palestine, for the unrest in the Middle East.  (We continue to pray for the unrest between Ukraine and Russia)

Our Country:  Grant to our governments and all who serve in public life, wisdom and skill, imagination and energy; protect them from corruption and the temptation of self-serving.  Help us to commit ourselves to the common good that our land may be a secure home for all its peoples.

World Wide Anglican Community: The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma): the clergy and people in that place.

The Anglican Church of Australia: The Diocese of North West Australia: Darrell Parker - Bishop, clergy, and people.

Our Diocese: The Parish of Manly: Locum Priest, assistant clergy, and people.

Our Diocesan Schools: For all senior students within our diocesan schools as they complete their years of learning and prepare for the next part of their life; be it continuing studies or moving into the secular world.

Defence Force Anglicans: We pray for the husbands, wives, children, and parents of chaplains who serve in the Defence Force. 

Our Community:  For all senior students within the state and private schools on the peninsula as they complete their years of learning and prepare for the next part of their life; be it continuing studies or moving into the secular world.

Other Denominations Within Our Community: The Church on the Bay and The Peninsula Axis Church: for the pastors and congregations of those denominations.

Our Parish: We pray for the various parish groups as they commence their final meetings for this year and for their end of year activities as they conclude for the year. We also pray for our Wardens, Treasurer and Parish Council members as they attempt to prepare a Budget for this parish for 2024.    

 Those Seeking Healing: Anita, Iris, Kevin, Narelle, Yvette, Michael, Gill

Those Mourning: For those who mourn the death of loved ones at this time.

For those who mourn the passing of Nancy Osborne: her family: her children: Bill, Judy, and families, her grandchildren and extended family. 

Departed: Nancy Osborne

We give thanks for the life and ministry of Defence Force chaplains who have died during military service and for the families they leave behind.   

Years Minds:  Malcolm Graham (20/22)  Joy Baldwin (25/??)


Next Week’s Bible Readings

Christ The King

  • Old Testament Reading: Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24

  • Psalm: 95: 1-7 (page 322 A.B.P.A.)

  • New Testament Reading: Ephesians 1: 15-23

  • Gospel: Matthew 25: 31-46