9th Sunday After Pentecost (Ord Sun 17)

Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
— Romans 8: 38-39

COLLECT: Saving God, in Jesus Christ you opened for us a new and living way into your presence: give us pure hearts and constant wills to worship you in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen. 


 A Prayer In Seeking an Archbishop for this Diocese:

Eternal God, shepherd and guide, in your mercy give your Church in the Diocese of Brisbane a shepherd after your own heart who will walk in your ways, and with loving care watch over your people. Give us a leader of vision and a teacher of your truth. So may your Church be built up and your name be glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


A Prayer for Ukraine: God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  Amen

Archbishop Justin Welby: Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell: Archbishop of York.

Today’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 8 (Ord Sun 16)

  • Old Testament Reading: Genesis 29: 15-28

  • Psalm: 105: 1-11 (page 332 A.B.P.A.)

    New Testament Reading: Romans 8: 26-39

  • Gospel: Matthew 13: 44-58


For The World:  We pray for a right spirit of peace and cooperation to overcome the spirit of hatred, bitterness, and division in all countries. We pray for relief of suffering of innocent victims in countries troubled by conflict and unrest.  For the citizens of Greece as they fight the bushfires on the Greek Islands.  (We continue to pray for the unrest between Ukraine and Russia)

Our Country: We give thanks for the peace and security we enjoy compared to other nations in this world.  We pray for the various tiers of government: federal, stale and local.  We pray for our Prime Minster and the Federal Government, for the Federal Opposition leader and the Federal opposition.   For our State Premier and state government, for the opposition state leader and the state opposition. 

World Wide Anglican Community:  We pray for all Anglican and Episcopal Provinces and Dioceses around the world that are in Communion with The Church of England.  For all Archbishops, clergy and laity.

The Anglican Church of Australia: We pray for all 23 Dioceses within Australia.  For all Archbishops, bishops clergy and people within the Anglican Church of Australia. 

Our Diocese: We pray for all parishes within this diocese.  For the assistant bishops, clergy and people.  We pray for the members, (both clergy and laity) of the Archbishop Election Board as they seek an Archbishop for this Diocese. 

Diocesan College: St. Francis Theological College, Milton.  Ruth Mathieson - principal, academic staff, sessional lecturers, students and families. 

Defence Force Anglicans: We pray for all Chaplains with the Tri Defence Forces: for all full-time and part-time chaplains within the: Army, Airforce and Navy. We give thanks for the ministry of the Anglican Chaplains in the Defence Forces.

Our Community:  We pray for our Mayor and for all local council representatives across the Moreton Bay Regional Council.    

Other Denominations Within Our Community: Redcliffe Uniting Church and Scarborough Presbyterian Church: for the pastors and congregations of those denominations.

 Our Parish: We give thanks for the parishioners of this parish who are able to worship regularly.  We pray for those who are unable to join with us in worship in this place, but we also give thanks for those who are able to join us in worship by Zoom.   

Those Seeking Healing: Anita, Iris, Kevin

Those Mourning: For those who mourn the death of a loved one at this time.


Years Minds: Bev Rohweder


Next Week’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 10 (Ord Sun 18)

  • Old Testament Reading: Genesis 32: 22-31

  • Psalm: 17: 1-7,16 (page 235 A.P.B.A.)

  • 2nd New Testament Reading: Romans 9: 1-8

  • Gospel: Matthew 14: 13-21