10th Sunday After Pentecost (Ord Sun 18)

The Lord is near to all who call on him in truth. He fulfils the desire of all that fear him, hears their cry, and saves them.
— Psalm 145: 18-19

COLLECT: O God, giver of life and health, whose Son Jesus Christ has called us to hunger and thirst for justice: refresh us with your grace, that we may not be weary in well-doing, for the sake   of him who meets all our needs, Jesus Christ our Saviour; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen. 


 A Prayer In Seeking an Archbishop for this Diocese:

Eternal God, shepherd and guide, in your mercy give your Church in the Diocese of Brisbane a shepherd after your own heart who will walk in your ways, and with loving care watch over your people. Give us a leader of vision and a teacher of your truth. So may your Church be built up and your name be glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


A Prayer for Ukraine: God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  Amen

Archbishop Justin Welby: Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell: Archbishop of York.

Today’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 10 (Ord Sun 18)

  • Old Testament Reading: Genesis 32: 22-31

  • Psalm: 17: 1-7, 16 (page 235 A.B.P.A.)

    New Testament Reading: Romans 9: 1-8

  • Gospel: Matthew 14: 13-21


For The World:  We pray for a right spirit of peace and cooperation to overcome the spirit of hatred, bitterness, and division in all countries. We pray for relief of suffering of innocent victims in countries troubled by conflict and unrest.  For the citizens of Greece as they fight the bushfires on the Greek Islands.  For the civil unrest in Niger. (We continue to pray for the unrest between Ukraine and Russia)

Our Country: We give thanks for the peace and security we enjoy compared to other nations in this world.  We give thanks for the wealth of resources in our land compared to other parts of the world.  We pray for our nation as we mourn the loss of the army soldiers in the helicopter crash last week.     

World Wide Anglican Community:  We pray for: the Diocese of Wanyjok—The Province of The Episcopal Church of South Sudan, and for the Diocese of Duk and the work of ongoing peace-making in South Sudan.

The Anglican Church of Australia: We pray for the Episcopal Leader of the Anglican Church in Australia Geoff Smith - Primate, for the general secretary and the General Synod and the Standing Committee of our national church. 

Our Diocese: We pray for the parish of Samford: for Robert Paget—parish priest and assistant clergy and for the parishioners.

Diocesan Schools: We pray for the Anglican Schools Office; for the executive director and staff.

Defence Force Anglicans: We pray for all Army Chaplains as they pastorally care for the soldiers of the Australian Army and the families of the lost soldiers at this time.  We pray for the charitable organisations with the Defence Forces: The Salvation Army Red Shield Defence Services, and Everyman’s Welfare Service.  

Our Community: For all who suffer without the necessities of life.  For those who are poor financially but are rich in spirit, health, and life.  For those who are financially well off but are poor in spirit and life. 

Other Denominations Within Our Community: Seventh Day Adventist  Church and the Anglican Parish of Redcliffe; for the clergy, pastors, and congregations of those denominations.

 Our Parish: We pray for the Parish Executive of our Parish: for our Wardens: Liz Peters, Gail Symons, and Leisa Small, and our Parish Treasurer Sharyn Wildes.  For the members of Parish Council.  We pray that they all may be given

Those Seeking Healing: Anita, Iris, Kevin

Those Mourning: For those who mourn the death of a loved one at this time.


Years Minds:


Next Week’s Bible Readings

Pentecost 11 (Ord Sun 19)

  • Old Testament Reading: Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28

  • Psalm: 105: 1-6, 16-22 (page 332 A.P.B.A.)

  • 2nd New Testament Reading: Romans 10: 4-15

  • Gospel: Matthew 14: 22-36